Monday, October 30, 2006

A new world: just a flick of the switch away

Climate change (aka global warming) is, in case you haven't noticed, the topic du jour. And everyone's in on it: Al Gore (duh), Mel and Kochie, even our usually reticent PM. But amidst all the "sky is falling" doom and gloom and confusion about how best to do things, the simple solutions seem to be rolled out a lot.

Turn off your lights when you leave the room. Unplug your TV when you're not watching. Keep your showers under four minutes. It all seems pretty straightforward. And as a recent report showed, it's measures like these that could save us bulkloads in the climate carbon challenge. In Britain alone, says the report, 43 billion tons could be saved (by 2010) if only those pesky Brits would turn off their bloody lights. Imagine if the whole world joined in.

But who are we to criticise? Despite these solutions being shouted far and wide, how many of us really abide by them? Or instead, how many of us glance up at the hallway light whilst tapping away on our energy-munching PCs or Macs and think, oh, I'll turn it off in a minute?

As much as I'd love to say I'm always doing the right thing, it's not always the case. When I notice my TV standby light's still on, I'll reach over and turn it off. But more often than not I won't notice at all. I keep my showers, for the most part, as short as possible, but who doesn't indulge in a nice, warm ten or fifteen-minute one every now and then? I know I do. And the lights? Well, typically the convenience of being able to see where I'm going (as opposed to stumbling blindly for a lightswitch when I want to enter another room) wins out over my conscience. I know, I know, I'm the bad guy. But I bet you are too.

I guess it's just a matter of making a little more effort. I will if you do.


Anonymous said...

i know everyone's jumping on the bandwagon at the moment, i don't see it as a bad thing. feels as though there is a global consciousness or awareness? and i dare say in the last 6-months, i would hope that the effects of the public's awareness would have decreased the amount of Green House Gasses emitted by even a little bit! i like making up stats, i just hope they're right, surely it couldn't be any worse?
there needs to be drastic changes, not just turning off lights, and shorter showers, there needs to be big fucking changes! but i wonder to what right people think that they have in fucking up the world?? surely we have some sort of right because after all, we're the most intelligent (others not so), and most successfull species on this planet, surely we have the right to destroy it as well?!! which is the way that we're definatlely heading, so being more intelligent than a cockroach, will again prove nothing in the long run, because we won't survive.
we should be intelligent enough to live in a balance, not exploitation!

stupid/smart humanity

** and i've been telling you turn lights of for years ** :P


Anonymous said...

i know everyone's jumping on the bandwagon at the moment, i don't see it as a bad thing. feels as though there is a global consciousness or awareness? and i dare say in the last 6-months, i would hope that the effects of the public's awareness would have decreased the amount of Green House Gasses emitted by even a little bit! i like making up stats, i just hope they're right, surely it couldn't be any worse?
there needs to be drastic changes, not just turning off lights, and shorter showers, there needs to be big fucking changes! but i wonder to what right people think that they have in fucking up the world?? surely we have some sort of right because after all, we're the most intelligent (others not so), and most successfull species on this planet, surely we have the right to destroy it as well?!! which is the way that we're definatlely heading, so being more intelligent than a cockroach, will again prove nothing in the long run, because we won't survive.
we should be intelligent enough to live in a balance, not exploitation!

stupid/smart humanity

** and i've been telling you turn lights of for years ** :P